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Corporate Offerings

Each offering is designed to help companies attract and retain high-performing, fulfilled team members.

Manager’s Training

With 70% of employee engagement variance accounted for by managers, investing in your managers is the single best investment a leader can make to retain top talent. This six-week facilitated deep-dive training is designed to educate managers on how to be effective, healthy, and daring leaders in today’s workplace. This training teaches managers a common language and shared practices to flourish individually and cultivate a resilient team. This program includes a pre-assessment, field discovery, facilitated workshops, individual coaching opportunities, and a post-assessment.

Individual Contributors Training

Often executed in conjunction with manager’s training, individual contributor workshops are day-long intensives designed to train employees how to lead themselves, effectively manage up, and use accurate language to voice their needs, motivations, and roadblocks. Additionally, this training will go deep into understanding personal strengths and creatively performing in their role around those strengths. This program includes a pre-assessment, a day-long facilitated workshop, a post-assessment, and an optional monthly group check-in and accountability system.

High-Performer Coaching

Designed to retain high-performers, this individual coaching helps high-performing individuals understand how to obtain the next level of career fulfillment within the company. Highly individualized, this coaching, typically purchased in packages of 12 sessions, is designed to align the goals, values, and strengths of individuals with the needs of the organization.

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